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Adam VS. Adler?

Hello followers of Jesus Christ!  I am beyond excited to post this blog!  It has been a while since I have blogged about anything….lol! So, this should be interesting 🙂  Lets get started!!!

Okay!  Lately, I have truly been drawn to Jesus Christ and his word.  I spend time with Him daily by having “Quiet Time” with the Lord by reading my Bible and praying throughout my day!  It has been such a fulfilling experience for me to grow closer to the Lord.  I have always had a relationship with Him since I was about 12 years of age; I was saved at the age of 12.  But now that I am 25, I have grown so much closer to him and my faith has grown abundantly!  Thank GOD!  But, through this walk, I have learned to understand how “relationships” should work with Christ.  In the past I have been through unhealthy relationships where even though I knew that was not who God called me to be with, I still stayed.  These relationships once left me hurt and confused…until I went to the Lord in prayer and He removed those toxic people from my life and told me why he did so!

God is a jealous for us ladies!! God is yearning for us to spend time with him.  Sometimes, we get so caught up in that so called “boyfriend” that we do not spend time with God.  We begin to believe that pre-marital sex is okay and that not reading His word and spending time with Him is okay-well, it’s not okay!!  We began to idolize our boyfriends without even knowing it!!  We have all been there ladies!!  Anytime they call, we answer!  They need some extra cash, we got them!  They need a place to stay, we got them on that too!!  Giving away all of our valuable treasures for free; there is no ring involved or even mentioned.  We have to get back to Him and stop putting so much energy and attention into a man that in simply no good, or better yet, not who God has for us!

So many women are waiting on their Adam, but they know that they are with “Adler!!”  Lol I refer to guys as “Adler” when I know they are not God-fearing men AND I know that they are not the one for me!  Lord have mercy!  When I tell you, I have run across so many Adlers!!! Oh My Gosh!!  I have even been in some relationships where I was dating an Adler and I knew good and well that I was wasting my time!!  Why do we do this ladies?  Why do we stay with men who don’t value our worth and could care less about waiting until marriage to have sex?  Why are we always the one pursuing men and chasing them down?  The Bible says, Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” (KJV)  HE is suppose to find his wife!

Trust me ladies!!  You’re Adam is out there sleeping and preparing himself with God for you, his wife!!  Please, do not get confused by Adler.  The Holy Spirit will tell you immediately if he is Adam or not.  As women of God, we deserve a man that seeks God first and is in love with Him.  We deserve a man that is SAVED and wants to pursue and Court you, and not date you; there is a BIG difference.

Lastly, be encouraged ladies!!  Continuously pray and ask God for a spirit of discernment and for your Adam to not be awakened until due season.

God loves you so very much!!



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