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Babbbayyy…..Anxiety is real!

  Hi guys!!  I wanted to touch on a topic that I feel most people deal with at one point or another. Anxiety is beyond real!! It can definitely impact your daily life and cause your stress levels to go way up!!   Lets chat!

SO….I realized that the older I got,  I became more and more familiar with anxiety.  I don’t seem to remember having much anxiety back in the day. But hey, life began to happen and then I found anxiety to be almost second nature.  I quickly learned and I’m still learning to keep myself calm and what triggers my anxiety the most.

Listen. Lets dig  a little deeper. If you are in a bad relationship and a man or woman is what is causing your anxiety? See. You need to let that go. I know and trust me, I understand that can be incredibly hard to do!! Lord help us but it is necessary for us to have a healthy mind space!!! More than likely, God has already shown you that you need to let someone or a certain situation go.  Obedience is key!

Learn and know what brings your anxiety levels down. I love quiet time!! I love to light a candle, pray, watch sermons from my favorite pastors and buy cupcakes LOL I do that in moderation of course!! But you get what I’m saying. Treat yourself to a massage or a movie. Journal. Go to the gym (I try to go 3-4 times a week).  Eat better!! Lets have a salad or green smoothie. Stay in church.   A good word and fellowship breaks chains!!

Whatever the case may be for you, find it and do it often. Another thing I LOVE to do is to put my iPhone on do not disturb!!! Lord! This option is Heaven sent!! Sometimes, I just need my peace. Peace is everything y’all!!! We should always be praying for peace in whatever situation we find ourselves in! Good or bad!  Find what makes you happy and most importantly what brings you peace!!

A person full of anxiety cannot fulfill God’s person for their life wholeheartedly because they are always so stressed. Lets take care of ourselves so that we can fulfill God’s assignment in our lives and hear Him clearly. Anxiety can create doubt and doubt is not of Him.

“For the despondent, everyday brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.” Proverbs 15:15 (NLT)

Jesus is Love,


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