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Being A Creative During Quarantine?

Hello all!

I hope that you are doing amazing!! I believe we are on week 12 thousand of quarantine!! This year has been insane and this quarantine can really weigh you down. Some days are better than others but this can weigh heavily on your mental health you know? I've been staying busy but it still doesn't change the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic and the world is filled with so much uncertainty!

To be honest?

Trying to be creative, write and upload videos while working full time can be mentally draining (especially during a pandemic). We technically don't know when it will be safe to go back outside again and get back to some form of normalcy-or whatever that is. It's been a little difficult for me to stay on top of being as creative as I would like to be because for the most part, I am inside most of the time. I am beyond grateful to be inside, safe and healthy!! But it can be such a drag! LOL Listen, I'm just being honest!

I think we have all had to become creative in how to become creative. Our norm has been shifted in a way that we didn't see coming. Everything has moved to zoom and I've been over the constant virtual happy hours for a minute!! LOL I'm good with just one once a week now! I wanted to have a book launch party for my new book but of course there was no way that could happen. Things shifted quickly and we had to learn to adapt.


I've really had to motivate myself lately in a different way by placing myself on a schedule and still setting my alarm to get up and get things done in a world where time and days don't seem to exist anymore. I try to have specific days where I film for my YouTube Channel and when I write. If I don't plan my creativity within my regular work schedule? It won't get done. I will find myself just working and the days going by without feeding my creativity; it's so easy to do! I work full time and I would consider my job stressful and time consuming

(Note: If you are currently working a full time job and you are a creative, please continue to feed your creativity WEEKLY!! Don't stop :)

The world needs your voice and creativity!)

If you are thinking about writing a book, releasing a book, an album, creating a YouTube Channel-whatever it may be....go ahead and do it. Do it while you may have a little extra time than what you would usually have. This quarantine is seasonal and you don't want to look back and wish you had done something that you knew in your heart God told you to do. If God has put something on your heart? Do it now. Do it scared. Do it without all the answers...but just make sure you do it :) People are counting on your obedience in completing the task and staying the course.

I would love to know how my fellow creatives have been staying motivated! How have you continued to write and create content? Do you have a schedule? Are you a full time creative? Or do you work full time and squeeze in your creativity?

Either way. I would love to know!! Drop your comments below. I'm praying for all of us and my hope is that everyone is holding up mentally.

"Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)

Oh yeah. I did a thing and created a YouTube Channel; click the link below :)

Jesus Is Love,


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