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Courting VS Dating

Hi guys!!

It such a beautiful day here in the DFW area in Texas!!  Oh yeah, it’s the first day of Fall, so I am super excited to put up my Fall decorations!! So lets get right to it shall we?!

Years ago, I thought that the term courting was just an old-fashioned term that replaced the word dating. I never really put much thought into the word or how it differed from dating…..until now!  Courting has a purpose.  Dating is just what it is-it doesn’t have a solid direction as to wear it is going from the jump.  Most of the time, not all of the time, when we date, we date different people at one time, engage in pre-marital sex, spend the night with each other, live together or whatever else.  In a nutshell, there is not a spiritual journey declared from the beginning between a man and a woman for the purpose of marriage.

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:3, “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints.” (KJV)  God tells us to flee away from sexual sin!  There is a reason why He told us this.  He doesn’t tell us things because He thinks it just sounds good.  He tells us things with the intent of being obeyed for a reason.  Sexual sin leads down other roads that we don’t want to be apart of.  Everything from heartache, STD’s, HIV and knowing that, that person, including ourselves are not honoring our bodies the way He instructed us to; it’s not worth it.

Sometimes, as women we think, if we don’t share our bodies with another man, then he will leave.  We don’t realize our worth.  Good-bye and good riddens to that man that doesn’t want to wait until marriage!!  Do we not believe that God truly has a husband for us?  Do we not take Him at his word?  Ephesians 5:25 says, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” (KJV) Wow!!  Ladies, there are men out there who will move mountains just to be with you!  I mean, can you imagine someone loving you like Christ loves the Church??  I surely can!!  I believe it because He told me so!  God told me that I am worth courting, not dating!!  He told me that he has my husband, not boyfriend for me in due season!

With Courtship comes accountability.  Yes ladies.  While we are courting our Adam, meaning, no sex, no touchy, feely, no spending the night, etc., we must surround ourselves with people of wise counsel who support courting and support both of you as a couple preparing for marriage!  One thing to slip in here, make sure your Adam is not an Adler and that he is saved by the blood of Jesus.  Make sure he is for real about Christ and his Word daily.  He doesn’t have to be a Pastor but he just needs to be serious about God,Saved and a Leader.  Period.  He needs to guide you as a man and as a soon to be leader of the household.  Go out in group settings sometimes.  This will help you to be more accountable.  Even though it sounds extreme, it is necessary in order to stay on track!

Set rules and boundaries are what lines must not be crossed before the final I do’s are said.  Ask for prayer warriors whom you trust to pray for you because lets face it, courting is HARD!  Nothing screams FUN about courtship, but it is so worth it to know that you both honored God with your bodies and your lifestyle together 🙂  One thing that will be developed early on will be discipline.  You will know for sure that you have a man of God that holds tight to his word.  How beautiful a man that is!  How beautiful it is for two people to court with a purpose and join together in marriage!

God loves you so much!!!



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