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Did you do your assignment?

Hello people of God!  What an awesome day today has been!  I am again grateful to have another chance at life and to have brand new grace and mercy 🙂  The topic of assignments came to my mind over the weekend….

I wondered about how my years in school and how the teacher would always give an assignment.  When my teacher would give an assignment, she would also give a deadline.  Regardless if I wanted to do the assignment or not, I did it because my teacher told me to do it (this is exactly how we should obey God).  Sometimes, I would feel that the assignment would be to complex or difficult, but guess what, I somehow did the assignment anyway!  Even when there were peers around me who said that they were not going to do their assignment, I still completed mine; I completed it on time too.  Sometimes, I would get the assignment done ahead of time, and would want to turn it in early.  My teacher’s response would be, “Chelsea, wait until the official date to turn it in.”

How many times has God given us an assignment and we acted like we could not hear Him.  Or we were too distracted from the people who were in our circle who were not living for Jesus.  How many time has the Holy Spirit called us to to something, i.e. Ministry, Singing, Writing a book, Speaking to the youth, etc. I asked myself the question, “How many times?”  God has given each of us an assignment.

Sometimes, when God speaks, we say, “Lord, you can’t be serious!  I can’t do that!  I can’t go out and speak.. I’m too shy.”  As soon as you say this, How awesome is that to have someone to lean on!! The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (KJV)

God wants to use us if only we will allow Him to use us as He sees fit.  God has not blessed us with talents for us to keep them to ourselves.  Notice how I explained how sometimes my teacher would tell me to wait when I wanted to turn in my assignment early?  God also does the same thing for us.  Sometimes, we know exactly what the Lord has instructed us to do, but we don’t realize that He doesn’t want certain ministry or idea to flourish until due season.  He knows the perfect time for everything in your life.  Wait on Him!  The Bible says Psalms 27:14 “Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” (KJV)   Sometimes, we feel that what he has told us to do, we can’t do.  If we just wait on Him, he will direct our paths in due season 🙂


Self-Assessment Time

So ask yourself.  What is my assignment?  What has the Holy Spirit placed on my heart?  How has God been telling me that He wants to use me and I have ignored His voice?  We should all sit at the feet of Jesus this week and listen His voice and ask Him to give us strength to carry out the task He has called us to do!!  He is waiting to use us.  We must surrender to His Will for our lives.  Our task at hand may not be the easiest but goodness it’s worth it!

Jesus is Love


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