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Hey guys!!

I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend so far! It’s 72 degrees here in Dallas and Sunny soooo….this weekend has been great so far 🙂 I wanted to hop right into our conversation about “Cherish The Day.” “Cherish The Day” is a new, HOT show on OWN Network created by the one and only, Ava DuVernay.  The main characters, Evan and Gently caught my attention immediately! Both characters are complex in their own way but yet, they choose to be in a relationship with each other; seemingly drawn towards each other by an invisible magnet that keeps them coming back to each for more….more drama, more love and many more ups and down in this thing called, LOVE. There will be a few spoilers, just FYI!

I have a few questions….


Do you think that Evan is too perfect?? Do you think it’s realistic for a guy to be this nice and fall so fast? Especially, after she left him curbside?? Lol we all remember that scene where he had to Uber back across town to get back to his car!! Initially, I thought that this character is so good!! But he is too perfect! LOL But on second thought……this should be the norm right?? A man wanting to be committed to one woman and absolutely adore and respect her is exactly what should be happening. Why is it so hard for us to believe that a guy like Evan actually exists? OR…for some of us, we believe this guy exists, but we just don’t have a clue where he might be Lol For some reason, we don’t don’t have too many examples of Even close by. AND….isn’t it crazy how our heart desires someone like Evan, but we end up with someone the complete opposite??? I think sometimes, we settle because we feel like time is ticking and we may not meet a man as good as “Evan.”But the devil is a liar!! God desires us to be with someone who loves us and treated us with respect, loyalty, honesty and unwavering support/love.

I like to live tweet during the show on Tuesdays at 9PM along with several other hundreds, even thousands of other women; most of us seem to share the same sentiment. We LOVE Evan. We are hopeful, wishful even prayerful that we will find our “Evan” one day. I just wish “Evan” was more of the norm for women. I’m sure some of us may have met an “Evan” in our lifetime but may have mishandled the relationship and no longer have that type of connection at this present moment. Some of you may even have an “Evan” in your life which is amazing!! For those of us, who are waiting…..God has someone in store for you, for me and for everyone!! You have to believe that! Even though “Evan” is a character that is played on television, there are real men out there who treat there lady with the utmost respect and would never intentionally do anything to mistreat them; they alway aim to take care of her heart; that’s important…


I absolutely love Gently’s character because it is so complex!! So many layers to peel back! At first, I was like….ummm girl! Why are you acting so funny towards Evan?? LOL But then….after further accessing her character, I realized that her upbringing has a lot to do with her trust level with people. The fact that her parents weren’t really around and she had to fend for herself much more often than she should have caused a wall to build.  Gently had to grow up faster and harder than she should have; that should not have been the case; I saw myself in her. Even though my parents were around as I grew up, I still dealt with toxic relationships with men.  I could see myself being defensive because I’m not accustomed to experiencing that type of love, that type of commitment, that type of adornment from another man that I’ve dated. I know that type of love exists but accepting that type of love is a totally different ball game. Receiving that type of love can be challenging when you’ve been disappointed so much… know?? I saw the excitement and fear she had in her eyes when he proposed. I know this feeling of excitement but then being overwhelmed because in the past, it never really lasted. How can I trust something that has constantly let me down? or put me one pedestal one day while watching me fall off the pedestal the next day….it can be tough meeting someone new when you have experienced such disappointment in the past.

What are your thoughts??

Do you feel like you are ready for the type of love you are praying for?

Is Evan too perfect? Or is he simply displaying what real love looks like when it’s well,…real.

Was Gently wrong for needing time to process her feeling regarding the engagement? Was her guard up too strong when they first met??

How are you cherishing your day?? Or the person you love? Are you soaking up every minute and appreciating it?

I love how the show shows the time line of Evan and Gently’s days…so much can happen in a day right??


I would love to hear from you! 🙂

(NLT) Ephesians 5:25-27 “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her body and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word.”

Jesus is Love,


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