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Don’t wait…to start living.

Hello everyone!!  I hope that everyone is having an amazing week.  The truth is if you are able to read this, then you are having a good week 🙂  Something has been heavy on my heart all week long!  LOL it’s way past due to share.

Last weekend, I went to the movies for the first time in months!!  I had such a good time while I laughed effortlessly at the movies.  In that moment, I didn’t care about my stresses, worries, work or anything.  I was just enjoying the moment.  After I got home, I realized that I don’t get out often enough at all!! I’m such a home body.  There is nothing wrong with that but that should not be your life-staying at home and working all the time.

I find myself hearing a lot of women say, “Once I get married, I will have someone to go out with or then I’ll buy a house or I’m gonna do this or do that.”  Here is what we must understand, we don’t have time to wait on someone or something to happen in order for us to happen.  We need to start living now.  I really don’t know how else to express it.  I say this because we don’t know how long we have on this earth.  Our time is so valuable.

I don’t know about you all, but being that I work all the time and have so much going on, I really don’t do anything that I truly want to do.  This must change.  Especially during this stage while I am single.  This is definitely the time when we should get involved in church (in the ministry that the holy spirit leads you to), travel and just enjoy the little things (movies, catching up with friends and laughing!)

Don’t allow your singleness to make you stand still and not get out and explore.  Like I said before, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be married, but we shouldn’t idolize the idea of marriage to the point where we don’t enjoy our lives in our current state 🙂  We must keep in mind that marriage is work!  While we are waiting on the Lord to bless of with our Adam, we need to be in prayer asking Him to prepare us for marriage.

P.S.  We must remember to keep ourselves busy! Especially if we are trying to court God’s way or trying to wait until our wedding night to have sex.  We need to volunteer, go to church, get involved with church and be around people who want to encourage up.  The devil is busy!! But if we keep ourselves occupied with concerns of the Lord, the devil doesn’t have a chance!!

Jesus is Love,



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