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Dont’t Skip The Process……Please.

Hi guys!! Long time, no chat!!  My prayer is that everyone has been doing well and fulfilling their purpose :). This title hit me like a ton of bricks today and I felt that it was important for me to share what’s on my heart…  Also! I am thinking about doing another series on singleness, but more in depth.  Be on the look out for that!!  The first topic of the sigleness series will be “Singleness and Depression.”  Yep.  Depression is real.  But for now, let’s talk about the “process.”…

So…if you are anything like me, when you go through something, you just want it to me over.  I like to be in “control” and know what’s going “on.”  I’m a yes or no type of gal.  If there is a problem, I want to fix it.  I hate grey areas and things that don’t logically make sense.  I want to know if it’s yes or no and no maybe!  I don’t like playing the fence! Either I’m in or out! With that being said….what happened when you find yourself in a situation where it’s not yes or no and you have no idea how it is going to play out?

What happens when your mom or close family member is diagnosed with stage 4 Cancer and you can’t “fix” it?  What happens when your husband of 15 years suddenly says, “I can’t do this anymore,” and there is nothing you can do to make him stay??  What happens when the you’re dating someone that you knew was who God had for you but he leaves…..what happens? How do you cope? What do you do when the ball is not in your court and you can’t make the decision?

I find that so many times, I try to fix what I can’t.  The emotional anxiety that comes along with that can sometimes be too much to bear.  I find myself overthinking and longing for an answer.  I guess the human side of me just wants to fix it…

We must realize that some tests and trials we go through…we have to go through…  We can’t bypass or numb hurt with keeping ourselves “busy.”  There is nothing wrong with having an agenda but just understand, we can’t outrun or outthink our thoughts or what our hearts really feel.  At some point we must lay down at night and think about our thoughts, hurt, saddness, desperation, anger and hurt.  There is no way to escape this part.  But!! There is hope!  One way we get through the process is to pray and surround yourself with prayer, church and gospel music.

During these hard times, we must constantly keep ourselves uplifted with something solid.  We must always continue to build our confidence in the Lord.  With this being said, we will still have our down days but with God, those days won’t last forever.  The Lord works his best in our weaknesses.  He is close to those who are broken in Spirit.

Find some good scriptures and praise and worship songs that minister to you!!  Find you a good prayer buddy.  Always ask and seek for prayer even in the “good” times for we don’t know what tomorrow brings.  Always know that all things are working together for our good :). Don’t give up on the process to get what you are going through by numbing the pain with worldly acts of conduct.  God is always with you.  Trust him.

P.S. Two of my top favorite gospel songs that I am listening to are Candy West “Turnaround” and Travis Greene “Intentional”  I absolutely love these songs 🙂

2Corinthians 12:9 “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Jesus is Love,



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