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Friends!…How Many of Us Have Them?

Hi guys!

It’s been a minute since I blogged so I thought I would check in :). The importance of friendship has been on my heart heavy lately. Lets jump right in!

The term friend is used so lightly nowadays. We call each other sister, brother and friend just as fast as we say “hello,” and “goodbye.” Why is that? We expect more from people who we barely know and make them apart of lives when maybe they should not be there at all. We must understand the difference between a situationship (LOL Yes! situationship), friendship and an acquaintance.

A situationship is when you are “friends” with someone based on your environment. You work with them or go to church with them. You are around them due to your situation but once you are outside of the situation, you don’t hear from them as much. Now….situationships can sometimes turn into real friendships but most of the time, they may not and that is okay. It’s just important to understand the difference between a friendship and a situationship. If you are out of that situation and you don’t hear from them and they are always cancelling on you when you reach out, it may not be what you think it is.

A friendship lasts no matter the situation. They can move out of the state/country and you still keep in touch and always try to make time for each other when you all are both in the same city. You check on each other and SUPPORT each other. You support each other by praying for each other, checking on each other, showing up to events that you can go to, you like pictures on social media and share each other’s images on social medical to show your support-You support them publicly and not just privately. What I mean by that is, you buy tickets to their events and go instead of just liking it on Instagram and not going. You actually post on their page how proud you are of them and how you are excited for them instead of just sending your message via text or a critique about what they could have done better.

An acquaintance is someone that you see whenever you see LOL You may have met them at a networking event. They are cool and you always speak when you see them. You may have even met them for lunch to discuss business or future goals and partnerships; but that’s about it-remember that.

Listen! There is nothing wrong with either of these three relationships but the key is to know who belongs where and to not get them confused. I’ve even made the mistake of putting people in the wrong categories and chile… was a mess! LOL Be encouraged and ask God to send you divine connected relationships. Because everyone needs a good friend and they are so hard to come by! Trust me!

“There are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24

Jesus is Love,


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