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Girl!! Get your REST!!


Lord, why does it take me so long to come back and blog!! Let me tell you something. I have missed you guys and I miss blogging more often!! I have been working on something that I will announce soon that has perhaps been taking some of my time away 🙂 Stay tuned….

So….lets hop right into it shall we?? Lets chat 🙂

Most women that I speak to are exhausted!! I’m most women by the way LOL Most of us are trying to balance EVERYTHING! The interesting part about it is that the ladies that I speak with on a regular basis don’t even have children yet and are completely worn out. I think to myself a lot what life would be life for me when I do have a husband and kids?! I feel like my life is already kind of crazy and filled to the max at times.  I work full, FULL time LOL I feel like I constantly work for my 9-5 job or for myself. I have a non-profit organization that I am passionate about and it takes time to operate. Admittedly, I don’t feel like I always have the proper amount of time to put into my non-profit organization and other projects that I’m passionate about.

With all that being said. I have truly been trying to master the art of rest and the balance that comes along with that. I use a physical calendar which helps me look at my time  weeks ahead to see what works for me and what does not work for me. My iPhone reminders are EVERYTHING mkay??! I absolutely love them! The reminders help me to manager “right now” tasks that I know I may forget if I don’t have it popping up on my phone. For example, I may set an iPhone reminder to pay a bill or even take the chicken out the freezer before I go to work. The reminders truly help me stay on task and be my memory when mine is too full LOL.

I want to give some quick tips that have helped me out lately when it comes to managing my time AND making time for myself to rest and replenish! I typically leave myself out which is not good at all. The year 2020 so far, has been a year of intentionality when it comes to my schedule.

Quick Tips:

  1. Make sure to place things that you want to do for yourself on your calendar. For example, I wanted to go by a popular cupcake shop here in Dallas, TX called “Sprinkles.” Because I know how wishy washy I can be with cancelling little things like that for myself, I wrote it on my calendar and because I wrote it down and had it pre-scheduled, I made sure to treat myself. This was a small gesture but it was necessary 🙂 I love a good sweet treat!

  2. Therapy-Find a good therapist! I feel that everyone can benefit from a great therapist!

  3. Pray….consistently and give thanks to God.

  4. Make time with your friends!! Happy Hour has been my thing lately. I will intentionally schedule a happy hour with my friends. I’m at the point in my life (and so are my friends LOL) where most things have to be scheduled in advance mkay?! LOL and I’m perfectly fine with that. I have to make sure I make time with my friends because if not, months will go by before I realize that I haven’t seen my friends in a trillion years! LOL

  5. I schedule my massages several weeks in advance! This is the only way I know it will get done. I so quick to cancel on myself of push off a self care day. BUT, if I schedule it in advance? More than likely I will do it.

  6. Pay for movies in advance! LOL again, I know if I don’t schedule it or pay for it in advance? More than likely I won’t do it. I will push it off until the movie is no longer playing in the theater.

  7. Plans trips! (I’m working on this!! This is a struggle of mine).

  8. What day is your “Sabbath”?? What day of the week do you choose not to work?? (doesn’t have to be Sunday. Choose which day works for you.) I’m working on this!! Because I work all the time! Such a bad habit!

  9. Make time for “quiet time” for me? I love to read, mediate (but not as often as I should) and rest/take naps!! I recently got a weighted blanket and my world is forever changed!! Get you one today because it will bless you!!


Even though I just listed these tips, I still struggle in the area of rest and making time for myself!! Pretty please with a cherry on top let me know some of the things you do to rest and make time for yourself. What I know for sure is that work will always be there. We can’t let life pass us by because we are always so busy!! Life is but a vapor and we must make the most of it while we are here 🙂 So, get you rest and be sure to be intentional about, well…being intentional about your rest, your purpose and your life.

Jesus is Love,


(NLT) Matthew 11:28 “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

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