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Having trouble accomplishing the assignment God gave you??

Hi guys!! I know it has been a million years since I have posted something!!  God’s assignment that he gave me has really been heavy on my heart.  I’m not sure how many of you have received a Word from God telling you what He needs you to do.  He could have told you to preach, sing, start an organization, donate, adopt a child or start your own ministry!  You have heard His voice and you are trying to obey Him, but…… people or circumstances try to stand in your way.  Let’s chat!

When God gives you clear instructions on what to do to uplift the kingdom of God, Satan hears the same plan (s) he told you!!  I say that yo say that things are going to come up to try and stop you from your purpose.  I’m not sure who this message is for, but I must tell you that the closer you get to fulfilling your purpose, the more challenges will occur.

God blessed me to sing and I have been singing singing since I was seven years old.  I have known my calling since I was a little girl.  But let me tell you, things have come up that have tried to block what God had already given me clearance to do!!  People try to stand in your way and stop your calling which is the craziest thing I have ever heard of.  One of my favorite gospel songs to sing is “What God Has For Me.”  I truly, I mean truly believe that what God has for me, no one can take that away because they do no have control over my life!!  My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ does!!!

We must encourage ourselves daily to do what he has called us to do.  Not only must we accept and follow through with our calling, but we must be doers of the Word and not just readers!  There is no way that we can call God our personal Lord and Savior and read His Word and not feel any conviction by what the Word is feeding us; that scares me.  The thought of not having conviction or receiving conviction and not straying away from sin is scary.  Jesus died on the cross so that we may have eternal life and for us to flee away from sin and not cling to it!!  I pray daily that the Holy Spirit continues to convict me and my wrong ways and anything in me that is not of Him!!

Lastly, pray.  Pray that God strengthens your flesh to do what you can not do alone.  Pray that he leads and guide you in all of your ways.  Thank Him for Him for being who He is and for protecting you from dangers seen and unseen.  Pray for others who are not saved and pray for people who are going through hard times.

P.S. We must remember that whatever God tells us to do, we not only obey Him, but we must obey Him immediately.  The assignment is not about us, it is to help someone else.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16 (KJV)

Jesus is Love,



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