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I am so unworthy and inadequate, but Jesus gives me the strength I need…

As I was driving today, on my way to get my hair done, several thoughts crossed my mind.  I mean, when I tell you I had a LOT on my mind?  That is exactly what I mean.  I felt anxious, sad, down but then up.  All sorts of emotions were running through my body.  The emotion of worry and fear began to consume me…until the Holy Spirit (Thank you God for your Holy Spirit) spoke to me and simply said, “Trust me.”  He told me, “Chelsea, you may feel weak and out of control, but you must remember that I am in full control of your life-I got you.  Do I not take care of all the birds and animals?  So, why wouldn’t I take care of you?”  With me, I will give you strength to get though anything.  Rest your cares and burdens on me!”  I was like, wow…. you are so faithful God!  You hear all of my thoughts and you feel all of my emotions! You care!

Jesus said in Matthew 6:26 “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly father feedeth them.  Are ye not much better than they?” (KJV)  If God takes care of the birds of the air and keeps watch over them, why do we think He does not do the same for us?!  We must learn to cast ALL of our fears and worries on the Lord and trust Him.  He wants us to rest in the fact that He cares and that He wants us out of harms way!

So many days, I find myself worrying about tomorrow.…I can’t rest today and be grateful today because I am worried about tomorrow.… Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (KJV)  He tells us in his Word not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself!  Oh boy, what a change a day can bring!!  So many of us (including myself all the time) do not realize that we are on a verge of a break though in our situation!  Tomorrow may be the day for your breakthrough!!  We must not quit so easily…

We are on a verge of a miracle!! But we give up on God because we feel that we can’t take it anymore.  Or we are like, “Okay Lord, I gave you a chance, but I am too impatient to wait on you, so I’m going to take matters into my own hands!”  How many of us have been there and done that?  I know I have!!  We don’t know the day and the hour that hour blessing in coming in our current situation, but we must trust that it IS indeed coming!

And hey, lets be honest, any day that we wake up in our right minds is a blessing!!  For we know that there are so many people who did not have that privilege!  We must know that our flesh gets soo sooo sooo weak!!  When this happens, we begin to feel that we are inadequate, but we must relax… and rest in the fact that Jesus cares… your boyfriend may not care…but Jesus does!!  Your mama may not care, but Jesus does!!!  Just remember that His strength will always strengthen you… you are so much stronger than you think you are 🙂  Hang in there!!

God loves you so much!!



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