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Let’s Be Honest

Hello people of God!  I have been wanting to make another post, but lately I have been all over the place!!  Nevertheless, God is still so faithful even when I am not and throughout all of my seasons….  I tend to do a lot of thinking and sometimes too much analyzing about certain topics or issues that I may be dealing with.  There are some things that I feel that we as Christians need to be absolutely honest about.  We should not only be honest to others.. but also to ourselves… So, lets be honest!

Because we have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and we believe that He died for our sins does not make our daily walk any easier.  It does give us peace of mind that we have a Comforter (The Holy Spirit, John 14:16-18) that guides us daily.  But lets be honest, everyday is not filled with cupcakes and flowers.

Some days are tough.  Sometimes, we want to scream.  Most days we don’t have it all together.  Other days we cry at night, crying out to the Lord that He has mercy on us.  Some days we are confused.  I feel like sometimes as Christians, we try to put off the appearance of having it all together as if no one broke our hearts, as if we don’t hurt or as if we don’t go through financial difficulty.  We would rather cry in a closet by ourselves than to ask a fellow christian/friend/mentor of wise counsel to pray for us and with us.  Why is that?

Why do we feel that we have to be perfect?  Why aren’t we more transparent with people who are close to us?  Now, I am not saying that everything you are going through must be shared with everyone.  Trust me, you should choose wisely who you let into you circle of trust.  But what I am saying, we should be more honest with ourselves as well as with God.  When we go before our Father, we should come before him with thanksgiving and realness; tell Him how you feel (He knows anyway-no need to try to fake it).

For Example…….”Lord, thank you for this day and all that you have done for me.  I must be honest with you-I’m hurting.  I’m struggling.  I need you.  I come to you humbly Lord asking that you help me…. I need you.  Lord, let there be all of YOU an none of ME.  Cleanse my heart Lord and make me over.  I’m tired of fighting this battle on my own.  Please step into my situation and set me free from heartache, divorce, loss, rejection, depression, suicidal thoughts… etc….”  It is that simple.  He would love to hear from you!! 🙂

Sometimes, we may feel that we are going through a season where we feel that God may have forgotten about us or where we can’t hear His voice.  Can I tell you today that God has not forgotten about you??  Can I tell you that He takes care of the sparrows and the grass and he watches over you too?  We must believe this and never loose our faith!  We must never stop praying and praising His Holy name no matter our current circumstance.  He knows and He cares 🙂

Reflective Bible Scriptures

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (KJV)

Jeremiah 17:7,14  (7) “Bless is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.” (14) “Heal me oh Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.” (KJV)

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (KJV)

Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the whole armor of God that ye many be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (KJV)

Jesus is Love,


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