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Memorial Weekend...

Hello world!

Can you believe that Memorial Weekend is here?? It's crazy because holidays are still passing just as quickly as the days are passing but yet, "quarantine" still remains to be a real thing. It's something that can't be avoided or looked over. It's not something that we can speak of in the past....this is still such a reality to be honest with you. Most holidays, friends and families gather, laugh, eat and have a good time. For some, if not most of us, this reality has changed. We can't gather in the same way that we once did and it's overwhelming at times.

I have not seen friends or family since quarantine began back in March; it is now May, almost June. The sun is out, the weather is feeling amazing (Summer is my favorite time of year by the way!) and it still doesn't change the fact that so many people have not only gotten sick from COVID-19, but have died due to this vicious virus. People of color, People in the Black Community and people with underlying conditions are being impacted the most and its frightening to think about. It's also scary when you are fighting something invisible and there is no cure for what you can't see.

I can't help but to think about so many people who have lost their lives due to this virus. Not only have people lost their lives but they lost their lives by themselves, alone in a hospital bed without any family to comfort them. Even though the fact that people are dying is real, we all have this itch to get out the house and "hang out" because ultimately we feel that "it" can't happen to us.....

What I know for sure is that nothing seems to be real until it happens to you. I know for sure that this virus is real regardless of what we feel. As Memorial Weekend comes into full effect this weekend, be careful, practice social distancing and use good judgement! This virus is REAL and is taking people out daily!! Enjoy your weekend and get some rest :) I spent time this morning cleaning my closet so I'm a little tired LOL BUT! I plan to get some rest tomorrow.

My prayers are with everyone who has lost someone due to the virus and for any other reason. Y'all be safe and stay prayed up!! God loves you and has not forgotten about you.... We will get back to some form of normalcy sooner than later......Hopefully LOL

Quick Church Announcements! LOL

  • If you haven't purchased my new book, Sis, You Got This! The Art Of The Break Up, you still have time to do so! Click link below! :)

  • Are you Subscribed to my YouTube Channel, "All Things Chelsea? Click link below!

"For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it." Proverbs 8:11(NLT)

Jesus Is Love,


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