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Pandemic Boundaries....

Hey guys!! Long time no chat, right?!

Can you believe that we are still in a pandemic and it's October already? Everyone appears to be out and about BUT it still doesn't change the fact that COVID-19 is still running wild and has unfortunately taken so many lives...

One thing I've learning during this pandemic is that boundaries are more important than ever!! I'm currently working from home full time now due to the pandemic and I've learned quickly that I still have to keep boundaries regarding my time, my schedule and who has access to me!

Sometimes people feel like because you work from home, that means that you are "available" all the time!! That is simply not the case!! I still turn on my "do not disturb" on my phone and set stipulations on how many zoom calls and "virtual happy hours" I will and will not attend. The virtual happy hours are not as popular now as they were when the pandemic first started but I'm still protecting my energy like they are still that popular! LOL

Protect your energy, space & time at ALL costs! Use your Do Not Disturb button on your phone (mine is preset so I don't have to worry about it daily)! Between work, "adulting," cleaning, producing content on my Youtube Channel (which I hope you are subscribed to by the way :), I do not have time for my time and/or energy to be consumed by any and everyone. Just because most of us are at home most of the time, doesn't mean that we are available to do everything!! You will find yourself worn out and exhausted physically and mentally.

I also find myself scheduling out time to things that I actually enjoy that have nothing to do with "productivity." If you are anything like me, you are a person who likes to gets things done and like to "check tasks all your list." Life can't always be about being productive! We must take out time to do thing that we love; I LOVE to read!!! I schedule out time to read. I turn my TV off and choose to read or organize my closet. LOL Organizing is one of my "things" but it more to do with productivity than actually relaxation so I try not to do it all of the time. Sometime I drink tea and binge watch a show on Netflix. Everything can't be about work. We must build boundaries around work and being productive, ALL the time. This time at home shouldn't mean that we work ourselves into an early grave. We need to take time to literally smell the roses and laugh more; life is so unpredictable and you never know what the next second may bring.

I hope that you guys are staying safe and still wearing your masks!!! Make sure to vote like your life depends on it for this election because, well....our lives literally depend on our vote!!

Jesus is Love,


Proverbs 1:7 (NLT) "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

Check out my new Youtube video on date someone that you don't like below!

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