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Quarantine & BAE?!

Hey girl! I'm hoping that you are doing well physically and mentally during this season of quarantine! I don't know about you but I am completely over it!! I'm an introvert at heart LOL but the fact that I can't go out ANYWHERE when I want to is a bit challenging. AND the fear when you do go out to the grocery store or to the gas station can be a bit overwhelming at times to say the least!

I couldn't help but think about how there may be some single ladies who may be tempted to reach out to that EX that we know we have NO business talking to or trying to go over and see him! Listen! It can be hard on us singles at times!!

Real talk?!

My hoping and praying that you are using this time to focus on yourself and seeking God's guidance. The thought that may have been planted in your mind to go visit your toxic ex that you haven't spoken to in several months is the trick of the night of "fun" with your ex or a physical encounter with him will end quickly and you will be left with your thoughts again.

Here's the deal....

Sooner or later (but prayerfully sooner) this quarantine situation will be over and we can get back to some form of normalcy. Once that "normalcy" comes back, you don't want to reflect on thoughts of your EX and regret that you even reached out to them. During the season, get your rest, pray/spend time with God, Face Time friends and family and work on your purpose. If you don't know your purpose or what you have been called to do, ask God to reveal your purpose to you. Once you know your purpose and become busy with the tasks that God has assigned you to do, you won't think about going to your EX's house even during a pandemic LOL Trust me on this!!

At the end of the day? Quarantining with "bae" or your boo (listen, anyone that you are not married to LOL) is not the best idea! If you know that you have been delivered from the spirit of fornication, then you know that going to hang out for a little while may lead to other things. Know yourself and trust your "gut feeling" which is the Holy Spirit telling you that you shouldn't go over there. Don't fall for the trap sis! You Got this!

Also, I would love for you to check out my new book, Sis, You Got This! The Art Of The Break Up. I'm praying for anyone who may have gone through a breakup recently....espcially right before the pandemic shut down the world. I know from first hand experience how gut wrenching breakup can be!!! WHEW!!

Please stay safe and stay in as much as you can!! I am so over staying in AND cooking/cleaning!!! But! I'm just trying to take it one day at a time :)I've been praying about COVID-19! It must go immediately. Take care!

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (NLT)

Jesus is Love,


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