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Relationships with Purpose

Hi guys!!

OMG! I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve blogged.  So much has been going on between work, life and my laptop going out on me LOL  But nevertheless, I am still here 🙂 I felt the need to talk about this.  Lets get right to it…. 🙂

I have been discussing with a few ladies the topic of relationships and how to court and the purpose of courting.  Jokingly we ask, “where is this man of God that respects you enough not to have sex with you until marriage.”  Like a ton of bricks, it hit me…When you are in a relationship with purpose, the sacrifice is not easy but it is easier to do because you have a sense of direction.

See, if you’re dating a guy and he tells you, “I know for a fact that God sent me to you and I want to honor you and your temple until marriage.  I know that I am going to marry you soon.”  You would be able to honor that because you know that the purpose of your relationship is marriage.  When marriage is the common goal for a man and woman of guide, you automatically receive direction.  Gosh, there is nothing like direction.

What if a guy asked you out on date and you said yes.  When you asked where you all were going, he replied, I dont know.  You responded…so, you don’t have any ideas?  His response was, no.  We will just play it by ear.  Huh?  Who operates like that?  So many of us are operating like this in our relationships and we dont even know it!

Now, if the Holy Spirit reveals to you that the relationship your are currently in has no purpose, then it is best to leave it alone…  Let me explain why.  You may say, well I might as well just sleep with him and save myself for my relationship with purspose since we aren’t going anywhere.  Purposeless relationships lead to sin.  Before you know it, you will find yourself in that young man’s bed with no clothes on regretting that decision.  Is it worth it?

Last, but not least.  Be up front with who you are dating at the very beginning by letting them know who you serve and that you want to wait until marriage to have sex.  The Spirit will lead you in truth and understanding about that person’s motives and heart.

Jesus is Love,



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