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Singleness and A Woman’s Most Prize Possession…

Hi guys!! 🙂 I hope everyone’s week has started off great!!  It is so cold here in Dallas, TX.  I am already waiting for the Summer to arrive! LOL  I wanted to do a blog tonight on A Woman’s Most Prize Possession.  This will be the last blog with our singleness series.  The Holy Spirit put this blog on my heart and I felt this would be a good stopping point 🙂

Society will tell you that your most valuable possession is your body and what you can do for someone sexually.  Society will tell you, “Girl, if your man starts to act up, don’t sleep with him and see what he will do!!”  I’m here to tell you that this mentality is not the right mentality to have.  Your greatest possession and not your sex, it’s your time.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather have a guy get more upset because he no longer gets to spend time with me, rather than to get upset with me because he can’t have sex with me.  Time is the most valuable thing that you can share with someone simply because it’s a gift to you from God and you don’t know how long you have here on this Earth.

Think about it.  Anytime you give your time to someone, you are giving them a piece of your life that can’t be bought nor sold.  There is no way that you can buy time.  So once those 5 years are gone that you spent with a man that you knew was not good for, there is no way that you can get that time back….be very careful who you spend your time (life) with.

I remember I was talking to a guy off and on for years.  One day he decided to break things off with me.  I was heart broken and I explained to him that he took something that I would never be able to give back-My time.  He didn’t care that my heart was broken.  He didn’t care about my heart.

Ladies, I will tell you that you can find healing in Christ when your heart is broken.  I’ve been so heart broken in my pass from a man that I didn’t have an appetite, cried daily and felt like I’d been hit so hard emotionally.  God delivered me from that heart ache.  But, in order to be delivered, I had to want to be delivered and with deliverance comes change.  You have to want to let that so called man go.  You have to want better for yourself.  The choice is yours.  The Lord is begging for your attention so that He can heal you; he is just waiting on you to grab His hand 🙂

Also, God wants us to honor our bodies.  We must watch what we put into our bodies, on our bodies and what comes out our mouths.  We must keep the perspective that these bodies are not ours and the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  We must go to God daily and ask him to help us in areas of our lives where we need it most.  Jesus died and rose again for our sins.  But, he did not do this so that we could continue to live in sin.

Apostle Paul said in Romans 6:1-2, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?  God forbid.  How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (KJV)  God forbid we continue to live in sin!!  There is a constant war going on between the flesh and the spirit; we must continue to fight…. Know your worth.

Jesus is Love,


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