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Singleness and Depression…

Hi everyone!!

I pray that everyone has had an awesome 4th of July!!  I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog!! My last blog stated that I would be doing another series on singleness.  This second series that I’m doing on this topic will be a mini series; the first topic will be singleness and Depression.  Let’s dive right in shall we?

Now, please understand that I’m not saying that being single is a death sentence or that it’s automatically associated with depression.  But I am saying that in the process of waiting for your Adam, you can get discouraged.  You can feel like everyone is getting married but you.  You may feel that everyone is having children but you…right?  Or you may feel that the guy you are dating may be the one but you feel that he is taking too long to propose. This will be discussed in another post 🙂

Whatever the case may be, these feelings can have you feeling down or that God does not have someone just for you.  Let me tell you, He does!!  You may feel that you’re off track or that “I should be been married by now.  Or I should’ve had children by now.  I should’ve found the one by now.”  Trust me, I know the feeling.

We must always rest in the fact God has someone for us! We can never be mad when something does not work out with and ex! Only GOD knows what kind of bullet we were dodging!!!!!  Trust that God has a reason for everything that he does even if we don’t understand.  Also, look at it this way.  Can’t no devil in Hell steal what God has for you.  If that was your husband then he would’ve been your husband.

Oh yeah, let’s also keep in mind that God will NEVER send you someone else’s husband or boyfriend!!  I understand that sometimes we as believers may go through seasons of loneliness and this feeling evokes different actions from different people but we must know that what God has for us is for us and that he wouldn’t send some one that’s taken, right? Right.

While waiting for our Adam, we must keep our minds on Christ.  Keep busy. Go to church.  Hang out with friends. Pray.  Go to Bible study.  Our main focus in life should not be to get our Adam but to ultimately gain a stronger relationship with Christ!!  God wants to prepare of for our Adam.  In order to do that, we need to focus on Christ so that He can mold/change of as He sees fit.  He longs for our time and attention.  When you least expect it and when you’re not even looking, He will send you your Adam 🙂

During this season, don’t get down or depressed because you feel that time is passing you by. Things will happen in the right season!!

Jesus is Love,



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