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Singleness and Lust..

Hey guys!!  I hope everyone is doing well while preparing for the holidays because the holidays are most definitely here!! 🙂  Thanksgiving is Thursday and I have family coming in town, so I am excited!  Also, I am praying for anyone and everyone who may be traveling this holiday season and also for people who have lost loves ones.  I am also in prayer for the people who do not have a family to spend time this season with and for those who are homeless.  Please join me in prayer.

As you know, I have recently started a series on singleness and the complexities that come along with being single….”God’s way.”  When I say God’s way, we must understand that there is a Godly way to do things versus a worldly way of doing things.  God encourages us to flee from ALL sexual sin (sex, pornography, masturbation, lust…etc.)  On the other hand…the world encourages us to have sex, to play house with someone, to use our bodies to gain someone’s attention, among other things.

Today’s topic will be Lust.

Lets be honest.  It is difficult not to lust or not to have an attraction to someone, even a sexual attraction…the issue with lust is its sinful nature.  We may say to ourselves, “as long as I’m thinking about having sex with them, but not actually having sex with them, then it’s okay right?”  The answer is no.  The issue with only thinking about sex or sexual sin is that eventually your thoughts become your actions/reality.

The Bible says, Galatians 5:16-17 (16)  “This then I say, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (17), “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” 

Those two verses are saying that there is a constant war going on between the flesh and the Spirit, therefore, we must walk in the spirit, which is everything of God and not of the world.  What does that mean?  We must watch the seeds that we are planting in our minds.

We cannot listen to music all day long about having sex with someone if we are trying to wait until marriage.  Slowly but surely, the things that we listen to and watch on television will have an influence on us rather we realize that or not.  We must plant seeds of our Lord and Saviour into our hearts.  We must constantly stay in prayer and ask God to help us with our issue with lust!!  We must ask Him to keep us.  We must wait on the Lord, for we know that He will deliver us and bless us with a husband and not a has-been (and Ex-boyfriend that doesn’t mean us any good).  Y’all know what I’m talking about!  Keep on pushing 🙂

Jesus is Love



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