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The Art of Breaking Toxic Relationships.

Hello everyone!! I hate that it always takes such a long time for me to check back in!! My life has been pretty hectic to say the least!! My job has become more demanding and I am working on a project that I’m pretty excited about that has taken up a lot of my time!! I will be announcing soon :).

I wanted to share my heart on toxic relationships and the toll that they can have on all of us. I have had my share of toxic relationships. Toxicity in any form sucks the life out of you and causes you to go in circles with someone that God did not intend for you to do purpose with. Let me say this. God does not intend for you to endure toxic relationships!! Sure, relationships have their challenges, but you shouldn’t be in a relationship with someone that is emotionally, physically or mentally abusive. You don’t have to deal with someone who does value you or respect you! Always know and remember that! We don’t know how much time we have on this Earth! We never want to waste it by staying in a relationship with someone who brings nothing but drama.

I truly feel there is an art to breaking a toxic relationship. When I say art, I’m suggesting that there is a way to get out of a toxic relationship with grace; by God’s Grace. Once you have made the decision to let go and to leave someone who is toxic, you will need to pray! There is no way I could’ve gotten out of some of my past relationships without prayer! You are going to need strength to gain back your peace, and to let go of something that is so familiar. It’s funny how it can be so difficult for us to let someone go even though we know they aren’t good for us. This also applies to friendships! If you have a friend that does not have your best interest at heart, it is best to let them go. This may be difficult, because sometimes some of the most toxic friends in your life may have been your friend since elementary. We can confuse how long we have been friends with someone with how good of a friend they are to us. We can make the mistake of giving too many passes to someone because of how long they have been in our lives.

While praying, make sure you ask God to give you the strength to set boundaries!! Going back and forth with someone and still staying in contact with them isn’t good for anyone involved. Ask God to strengthen you so that you can remain strong! Ask God to remove the desire from your heart to want that person in an intimate way anymore. Make sure you pray for them. I know this is hard request, but trust me, they need prayer as well. Overtime, you will begin to notice a change in yourself. You won’t desire that relationship anymore. Stay focused on yourself! One of the worst things you can do is run to another relationship to simply fill a void. Learn yourself and ask God to show you His purpose for your life and focus on your purpose. Once you know your purpose and you began to walk in your purpose, you will be so busy doing what God instructed you to do that you won’t have time to play games with anyone.

“We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:9 (NLT)

Jesus is Love,


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