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The Art Of Discretion

Hi guys!! Happy New Year to each and everyone of you 🙂 I wanted to hop on and share something that has been on my heart for the past couple of days and especially today! I was thinking about this post literally all day at work and I can’t wait to chat! So…with that being said, lets hop right into The Art of Discretion…..

Earlier last week while I was journaling and spending time with God, I came across a scripture in Proverbs that reminded me about how precious it is to be discrete. The scripture states, “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman without discretion.” Proverbs 11:22 (KJV) As I read the study notes below the text, it explains the scripture more. It stated that Beauty is no more a guarantee of a good life than is wealth. Beauty without character is like fancy jewelry on a pig.

Ladies, what is the point of being the most beautiful woman on the outside but not concealing anything for anyone, not even ourselves. There are some things and parts of our bodies that only our husbands should see. If you have been following my blog, then you know I shared in one of my posts that I felt so convicted some years back by what I used to post on my Instagram page. Some of the outfits I used to wear were too revealing and I know I was sending out the wrong message. I immediately went to my Instagram page and took down the pictures I thought were too revealing. Not only did the Lord, change my social medial page but he changed my heart. No matter if I post a picture or not, I still don’t dress inappropriately nor do I have a desire to do so. LOL I’m pretty much covered now!

As I thought about this scripture further, I thought to myself that God is not only saying that we should be discrete with how much we show of our bodies but we should show discretion in how much we post on Social Media regarding our thoughts. The bottom line is this-everyone does not have to know everything that you are thinking. Every thought that we have should not be a post or tweet. There are also some thing we shouldn’t even retweet. Before we know it, everyone knows how mad we are via Facebook at our boyfriend, best friend or spouse; that is not the work of the Lord. Every now and then, we have to keep matters close to the heart and take them to Jesus. We run and tell Facebook before we tell Jesus. Let’s remember to keep ourselves covered up (we can still be cute with clothes on) and to watch what we say and what we post on social media.

Jesus Is Love,



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