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The Impact of Not Forgiving……PT. 2

Hey there!! For some reason, this topic of forgiveness has been on my heart lately. I posted a blog a few nights ago regarding the “other side of forgiveness.” If you have not read it, I suggest that you read it!! :). This will be a short blog, so lets jump right in!

It dawned on my today that God is not pleased and it saddens His heart that His people have such a hard time in the area of forgiveness. Think about it. How many times have you heard someone say, “Oh, I don’t fool with that person anymore,” for one reason or another. OR, we say things like “we ended on bad terms and haven’t spoken in years.”

I understand that sometimes, we have tried to reconcile with someone and they won’t allow reconciliation and they won’t respond to you and they don’t want to discuss issues; this can be very hurtful. All you can do in this case is pray for yourself (for healing) and pray for that person and move on.

BUT, we know those cases where maybe two people are being stubborn and as a result, a relationship or friendship is lost……this is what I feel makes God’s heart sad. For example, When a marriage is broken because of pride and not being forgiving. When a friendship is broken. When a mother/daughter relationship is broken. Ultimately, God’s purpose was not fulfilled. What I mean by that he when he calls two people together in marriage and they divorce ultimately over pride and not forgiving each other, they separate but also God’s purpose and plan in their marriage separates.

When someone just cuts off a friendship or relationship and their is heart hardened, the purpose is taken out of that. I believe there are needs that need to be met but will not be met because bridges have been burned from people that we truly needed because we didn’t handle their hearts right and we chose not to forgive…..This is just food for thought. Forgiveness is bigger than us.

Jesus is Love,


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