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The Ministry…

Wow!! Hello everyone!  It’s been ages since I have posted a blog!!  So much has been going on but life is good 🙂 I was spirti led to post this particular blog tonight…

I recently went to an event at a guest church and my experience was….different.  My spirit did not truly connect with what was going on.  My mind began to wonder and so many thoughts crossed my mind.  The one thought that stuck out most to me was that we need to get serious about ministry.  The Holy Spirit instantly spoke to me and told me that He needs people to be serious about their ministry and not be in it for show or money.

I completely agreed. Point. Blank. Period.  Can I just be honest?  And quite frankly, blunt?  We have too many people inside of the church playing with ministry!!  We think people’s souls are a game!!  We think it’s a game and show!  We want to be glorified before the Lord.  We love for people to hear us preach and sing so that we can be complimented and glorified.  Who do we think we are? People are out here lost and we think it’s about us?

How can this be?  There are some people who are truly intentional about being intentional about the Lord.  I believe there have been people called to ministry who are serious about worship and it being all about HIM.  The Body of Christ needs you….we await your authenticity and pure heart for the Lord.

We must be careful about our intentions before we join any ministry.  Most importantly, we need to go before the Lord and ask Him what ministry He would like for us to go into.  See, some of us look a the ministry that we can be seen the most…or is in the most spotlight.  Chileee, we love a mic.  These reasons are so selfish!! The audience may not know our heart but you best believe our heavenly father does.

Lets make sure that whatever ministry He has called us into, we are being obedient to His Will.  Some of us know we have been called to preach but for some reason, we want to sing knowing that was not our calling! LOL Lets just be real about it.  Lets stay in our spiritual lane and do what the Lord has called us to do 🙂

I pray that everyone has a blessed week!! This topic has been on my heart for a while now but espcially today!!  May God contine to use all of us as He sees fit!!

Ephesians 1:18 (NLT) I pray that your hearts be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those He called-His holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.”

Jesus is Love,


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