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There is power in rest…

Good evening!

My prayer is that this post reaches you and that it speaks to your heart.  Today’s topic is REST!!

I don’t know about you, but my weeks can be very challenging, busy and mentally draining. Sometimes, my weekends are just as draining!  It’s easy to feel that as women, especially women who are actively involved in ministry that we can’t say no.  We run ourselves to the ground doing everything for everyone else without recharging ourselves.  We work overtime, we are superwoman at home and we go to church 2-3 times a week.  Chileeee…we do it ALL!!

Can I be honest? Some of this things that are stopping us from getting our rest (mentally) are people that are draining the life out of us.  People can still be playing active roles in our lives that we should have let go of a long time ago.  Maybe it’s that “best” friend that we know does not have our best interest at heart. Maybe it’s the “boyfriend” that fills our heart with uncertainty with no stability.  Unhealthy relationships can wear you out mentally and having you physically tired all the time.

Listen. We all have that “gut feeling” that tells us when we need to sit down somewhere, take vacation time, a nap or leave that young man alone. Yes ladies, I’m speaking to us. And let me clarify, that “gut feeling” is the Holy Spirit.  God knows what is best for us and who is best for us. He sees us and cares about us more than we could ever know or process. In this holiday season-rest, relax, reflect and PRAY!! Find hobbies that you enjoy, give as the Lords leads you and continue to have faith.

Once we sit down, and take out time for ourselves, we will be healthier and will be motivated to serve and do as the Holy Spirit guides us. God has told some of us to do something and we cant even act on it because we are so worn out and stressed! We must take care of ourselves first and untimately rest in Him. May God bless you and continue to keep you 🙂

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” KJV Romans 8:37

Jesus is Love,



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