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Two are Better Than One…

Hello guys!!

I am so grateful for another chance at life today!  Not only that, but I’m beyond appreciative for brand new grace and mercy 🙂  During my quiet time today with Jesus, so many thoughts crossed my mind.  I felt as if we should discuss the topic of “Two are Better Than One.”

Personally, I am an introvert person and I am an independent person.  Most tasks I would like to do by myself instead of with a whole lot of help.  Not that I don’t need help or desire help at times, but my independence is just a part of my personality.  As Christians, we have to get away from this mentality of I can do it by myself.  We must lean on each other not only when times are hard but when times are good too.

The Bible says, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.  For it they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.”(KJV)  I have learned to lean on other Christians and prayer warriors who have my best interest at heart.  Choose a small group of people, (two or three, however many the Holy Spirit leads you to) to talk to about your issues.  Ask them to pray for you and to help hold you accountable and vice versa.  For example, if you know you are in a relationship where you are courting someone, it may be wise to seek wise counsel and to ask for accountability.  We will dig into courtship and accountability in an upcoming blog 🙂

We must always praise God, no matter what season we are going through in our lives, for we know that seasons always change-no matter who we are.  The Bible says, Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to pluck up that which is planted.”(KJV)  Sometimes, we feel that because God has delivered us from a certain situation(s), we can tell the prayer warriors that they can have this season off since things are going so well in our lives, (so we think).  Or we feel that we can stop being held accountable since you are engaged now.  NO ma’am.  NO sir.  For we know that seasons will constantly change, but that should not change our praise, prayer or worship!

We must keep pressing on and continue to be thirsty for God and to continue to grow closer to Him.  We must understand that when we slack off, that’s when the Devil thinks that he can play in our playground.  Stay focused.

God loves you you so much!!! Chelsea


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