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Where’s your heart?

Hi guys!! I pray everyone has had a blessed week!! This week has been crazy busy!! Especially today!! I was so swamped at work! Let me share a story that totally convicted me this week….Here we go 🙂

I was talking to one of my co-workers about pre-marital sex. She told me that she knew a couple who decided not to have sex before marriage. They were a young couple at the time-about 22 years old. The guy was very adamant about not having sex before marriage. One day, the pressure became to much for them. They decided to go to the courthouse that day and get married….immediately following their official marriage, they went back to their apartment and had sex. Their main reason for getting married so soon was so that they could have sex…

The first thought that came to my mind was wow…..What was the point? Their heart was not in it. God knows our intentions and why we truly do something. If your main reason for marrying someone in a short amount of time is to have sex with them…then that’s not right. Yes, sex is a part of marriage but goodness there is so much more to marriage than sex. God brings two people together for a purpose and plan. Yes pleasing each other intimately is what married people are suppose to do but that’s not the purpose of marriage…so I ask you; where is your heart?

Ask yourself why you really do what you do. Are you with a girl or a guy who has expressed their desire to wait until they are married for sex and you want to challenge yourself to see how long it will take you to get into their pants? Are you telling your current partner that you want to wait until marriage but you are out sleeping around while they are waiting patiently? Or are you the one that doesn’t feel any conviction at all about jumping in bed with someone? Again…where’s your heart?

It’s time out for games. We must continue to die to our flesh and say yes to the Holy Spirit. Remember that if you “slip up” pray and repent-get back up again. Of course God knows that we are going to sin but goodness he didn’t send His son down for us to stay in sin! We need to not only serve God by going to church on Sundays or giving to the church, we must be committed with our bodies as well. This indeed may be a challenge but nothing is immpossible.

Romans 6:14-15 “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

Jesus is Love,



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