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Yayyy! It’s Valentines Day…. But I’m single.

Hi guys!!  It’s been a while since I have posted something!! I have been super busy.  I just moved into a new apartment about a week ago and boy did that wear me out!!  Thankfully my mom made a surprise trip to Texas to help me move 🙂  She has a heart of gold.  I’ve also been super busy at work!!  While at work today, the topic of Valentine’s Day came to mind and what that really means for anyone who is single…lets jump right into it!

First off, let me just say this.  Do not allow, I repeat, do not allow the devil to create thoughts in your mind about this day and tell you to be sad or even depressed about…. a day.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  Am I saying that it is crazy to desire your Adam (which should ultimately be your Valentine and not a random guy who has not been sent to you by God, Himself) absolutely not.  Just remember that everything happens during God’s perfect timing, and when I tell you that your Adam is on his way?!! He absolutely is!

Secondly, don’t get jealous of what someone supposedly has on Valentine’s Day.  That so called sweet young man that will be sending your co-worker flowers may be physically or emotionally abusive or sleeping around.  Now is this always the case?  Absolutely not.  All I’m saying is this could possibly be the case.

I remember on Valentine’s Day some years back people were asking if I had plans, I would tell them yes!  My boyfriend and I are going out!  We were going to do this and do that.  But honey!  If they only knew how much I cried and how much I knew that the young man I was with was not God’s best for me they would’ve been so shocked.  I was living a pretty lie.  A pretty lie is something that you make look good for everyone else, but you know in your heart it is not your truth!  That used to be the type of relationships I lived in.

If you are single and courting this Valentine’s Day, awesome!!  Lets not forget out boundaries during V-day.  In other words, just because it is V-day does not mean that he can sleep with you and disrespect the Holy Spirit’s temple in any shape or form.  I would suggest an early dinner and then… well, that’s it!!  Let’s be honest.  All that let’s go have dinner (at 8 at night) and then you can come over to my place junk is for the birds!!  We all know that if you go to his place and the lights are all low with candles lit, you are setting yourself up for failure.  Don’t play yourself.

Also, this may be off topic, but I really want to encourage everyone to read the story of Joseph-The Dream Interpreter Genesis chapters 37-48 in the Bible!!  When I tell you that I was so wrecked by this story, that I broke down in tears.  I have read this story before and I have even seen the Disney movie on Joseph, but it stills WRECKED my soul Saturday afternoon.  No matter where you are in life and how badly friends/family has treated you, God still has a plan and purpose for your life.  No matter how long you have been single and steadfast in the Word of God, He still has someone for you.  No matter how much you have struggled in life, he still has a way for you.  Just trust Him 🙂 He cares…

Have a blessed week!

Jesus is Love



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