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Yoooo…… I Need A Vacation!

Hi guys!! It’s been wayyy too long since I’ve posted my thoughts! It’s been a crazy ride and I can honestly say that time has gotten away from me!!! WOW…is all I can say. This post may be a little shorter than my other posts because I forgot to charge the keyboard for my iPad…. Lord help the day as my grandmother would say.

I posted on Facebook earlier about how important vacations are for your mental health and I thought that I would go into more detail in honor of this month being Mental Health Awareness month. It so easy to get caught up in our jobs, kids and responsibilities that we don’t take time out for ourselves.

This is post is every bit for me as it is for you because I’m that person. I rarely take vacations and when I do, they are working vacations. I KNOW THIS IS HORRIBLE. I really need to make more time for myself. I truly need to schedule some time where I do nothing….nothing is so foreign to me. I haven’t done that for a long period of time in so long. I typically work so much because my job is very demanding and you can easily get behind; it’s a lot to say the least.

But what good are we without time for ourselves?? How can we continue to live in our purpose when we don’t take time to recharge??? We can’t be good to anyone else if we are not good to ourselves. We HAVE to take care of ourselves.

I recently started meditating and it was a game changer. I will meditate first and then pray. Afterwards I try to read my Bible and then go to sleep. Adding meditation to my prayer life shifts my energy back to where it needs to be. It calms be down; Keeps my anxiety in check. Meditation helps me to refocus and chill. I literally have to schedule this. Tonight I decided at 8PM I’m going to meditate and pray and that’s exactly what I did. I chose to make time for myself because I have to live with myself every day and if I’m not mentally strong then I’m no good to anyone else.

Here is OUR challenge. Within the next 6-12 months (or sooner which is better), plan a trip or do something you have always wanted to do!! Let’s make out mental health a priority because we have to. Even if you do a stay-cation in your own town for a few days. This will bring more clarity in our lives. I plan on completing this challenge even if I have to go by myself.

Seek counseling! Pray and ask God how you should recharge. Tell him that you are needing to be fueled again. He is longing to hear from you. He loves all the details about our lives. He wants to know when we are tired or worried. He wants to know when we are about to give up! He cares about how difficult our jobs can be…he cares.

The three take-aways:

1. Take a break and meditate/pray

2. Do something you desire to do

3. Seek counseling

Jesus is Love,


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