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Your Purpose…

Hello guys!! It’s been a minute since I have posted something.  I only post as the Holy Spirit leads me 🙂  The topic of “Purpose” as been on my heart so heavy lately!!

Have you ever wondered what your purpose was?  Or do you know your purpose, but you’re not sure how to walk into your purpose or actually live in it through Christ?  Well…me too.

I know what God has told me.  I know what he has told me to do.  But it’s like Lord, how do I do this?  I don’t have any connections!  I don’t have any money!!  I don’t have the support I need!  If you have Jesus, He is your connection, money and support!  He will place you where you need to be and place you to be in the right places at the right time.  He will also allow the right people to come into your life. Trust Him.  Plus, He knows your schedule better than you do. 🙂

Some of you may have received a Word from Him to preach, teach, sing, start your own business or leave your job and go where He has called you to go.  Some of you may have received Word from God on exactly what he wants you to do (like me), but it may seem like it is not happening fast enough; or it may seem that the Call He has on your life is so above your head and you don’t feel like you can do it.  We must rest our cares onto God and realize that this is a process.  We must continue to seek the Lord daily and diligently.

If God has called you to do something, ask Him for strength and guidance in order to accomplish the task at hand.  Remember…. his purpose and calling on your life is not about you.  He has called you to do something to help someone else.  Someone else will be delivered because of your obedience to God.  What if Moses didn’t do what God told Him to do? (Exodus, Chapter 3-13) Can you imagine?  I surely can’t!!  So again, because of your obedience to what God instructed you to, an entire nation could be delivered.  Also, He will equip you for what He has asked you to do…He will never leave nor forsake you.  Be patient and wait on Him to give you further instructions. 🙂

P.S. I encourage everyone to read the story of Moses and His brother Aaron if you have not already.  Moses did not see how God’s purpose could be fulfilled through Him either; but in the end, it was!!  Thank GOD!!

Scripture to meditate on: Matthew 7:21, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (KJV)

Jesus is Love,



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